Porcupine Mountains: Take Two!

Lake of the Clouds | Ontonagon, MI


Feb 2, 2015

Hunting the Wind for White-tailed Deer: Seven Tips to Smelling Silent

Most hunters will only be successful a small percentage of the time if they ignore the direction of the wind. As a hunter, it is essential to know what direction the wind is blowing. White-tailed deer, coyote, fox, elk, especially bear and even birds can easily detect a hunter’s scent, especially when they are downwind. Detecting human scent, bucks flee! The following blog post contains techniques on how to avoid being detected by the game...

Oct 2, 2014

DIY - Homemade Parkerizing Solution - How To Etch a Knife

In this video I share my homemade parkerizing recipe, which will put a dark manganese phosphate coating onto steel, providing a protective metal finish. It is similar to solutions sold by some major sporting goods retailers for a fraction of the price. Parkerizing is very much like rusting a piece of metal except that the acidic corrosion process, if done correctly, leaves a more durable phosphate coating/layer on the steel that can be...

Sep 11, 2014

AMD-65 Profile Affordable Survival, SHTF or Bug-Out Rifle

AMD-65 (AK-47 Variant type rifle) Rifle: AMD-65 7.62x39 Barrel: Chrome-lined Muzzle including barrel and permanently attached break extends 16.25" barrel extends only 14" Receiver: FEG  Made in Hungary Handgaurd: UTG MTU010 Quad Rail Grip: Magpul MOE AK pistol and fore-grip Muzzle break: Custom order from member of a firearms forum Magazine Release: TAK Latch (ambidextrous) Cheek Rest: Customized added by me onto side folding stock....

Sep 1, 2014

Deer Spotting: Pre-season Scouting for White-tailed Deer (Part 1 of 3)

Every year, before the bow hunting season even starts, we go deer spotting. Deer spotting is an essential step in macro-scouting for white-tailed deer.  It allows you to find the deer before the season begins and to pick a good hunting spot for opening day. It will also greatly increase your chances of getting a deer early in the hunting season. In this video we take you along as we scout out this year's hunting spots three weeks before...

Aug 19, 2014

How to Make a 2-Point Tactical Sling - DIY

A 2-Point Tactical Sling is a staple for a fast, efficient and effective hunting rifle set-up. In this video I show you how to make a 2-Point Tactical Sling. A list of materials along with specific dimensions and a diagram of how the sling is put together are provided below. Let's get started! The 2-Point Tactical Sling will accommodate most rifles, is quickly adjustable and costs less than $10 to fabricate. For these reasons, it is a great...

Apr 24, 2014

Micro-Scouting: Hunting White-tailed Deer

Micro-scouting mic·ro-scout·ing noun  micro-scouting 1. the activity of gathering information about game animals in a small area.     "Micro-scouting is necessary preparation for locating good hunting spots." micro-scout verb 1. the act (or process) of looking for signs of animals in a small area, field, or trail.     "He micro-scouted for deer in a small patch of trees." Doe and Yearling White-tailed...

Apr 12, 2014

Macro-scouting: Hunting White-tailed Deer

Macro-scouting mac·ro-scout·ing noun  macro-scouting 1. the activity of gathering information about game animals in a large area.     "Macro-scouting is necessary preparation for a good hunting season." macro-scout verb 1. the act (or process) of looking for signs of animals in state, county, and regional locations.     "He macro-scouted for deer in early fall." Figure A. Deer-spotting White-tailed...

Mar 17, 2014

Traditions Buckstalker Review - Muzzleloader Hunting Rifle

Target Shooting the Traditions Buckstalker The Traditions Buckstalker is an excellent black-powder rifle for hunting medium to large game. Accuracy, knockdown power, and an extended hunting season are all benefits this firearm offers for the budget minded hunter, especially in areas where high-powered rifles are restricted. With a MSRP (manufacturer’s suggested retail price) of $218, it’s a hard deal to beat. Just add a scope and you have...

Mar 7, 2014

Scouting: Hunting Wisconsin White-tailed Deer (Part 1 of 3)

(1, 2, 3) next → In this video, we go over the first steps of hunting whitetail deer in Wisconsin, including some basic methods of finding deer, locating them in a broad area (macro-scouting) and narrowing our search to specific areas (micro-scouting). Finally, we end with some tips and strategies for setting up hunting spots. Be sure to watch the next video Part 2: Bowhunting Season → Watch it on Youtube.co...

Bowhunting Season: Hunting Wisconsin White-tailed Deer (Part 2 of 3)

← previous (1, 2, 3) next →  In this video, we go bow hunting on opening day in Wisconsin! We build on our scouting skills from the first video by trying to call in a buck. Throw in some amazing scenic views while we are hunting and life doesn't get any better than this! Be sure to check out the next video Part 3: The Kill Shot → Watch it on Youtube.com  ...